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域名简介 Domain Introduction


Business Plan Seeks Collaboration worldwide

第一部分:拼音 qia 的全部汉字

  1. 掐 (qiā) - 字面含义:用指甲切断或按断,捏。出处:《說文解字》。英语含义:To pinch, to nip, to break off with fingers.
  2. 葜 (qiā) - 字面含义:菝葜,一种草本植物。出处:《爾雅》。英语含义:Smilax china, a herbaceous plant.
  3. 袷 (qiā/jiá) - 字面含义:衣襟相交 (qiā), 雙層的衣服 (jiá)。出处:《說文》(qiā), 《玉篇》(jiá)。英语含义:Overlap of garments (qiā), Double-layered garment (jiá).
  4. 伽 (qié/jiā/gā/qia) - 字面含义:寺廟 (qié/jiā), 用于音譯字 (gā/qia)。出处:《一切經音義》(qié/jiā), 用於音譯 (gā/qia)。英语含义:Temple (qié/jiā), Used in transliterations (gā/qia).
  5. 拤 (qiǎ) - 字面含义:方言,用力握住。出处:《集韻》。英语含义:(Dialect) To grip firmly, to grasp tightly.
  6. 酠 (qiá) - 字面含义:醇。出处:《集韻》。英语含义:Pure wine, mellow.
  7. 卡 (qiǎ/kǎ) - 字面含义:夾在中間,不能活動 (qiǎ), 音譯外來語詞的音節 (kǎ)。出处:《現代漢語詞典》(qiǎ/kǎ)。英语含义:To be stuck, to be jammed (qiǎ), Card (loanword) (kǎ).

第二部分:拼音 zhen 的全部汉字

  1. 真 (zhēn) - 字面含义:真實,不假, 實在,的確。出处:《說文解字》。英语含义:True, real, genuine, indeed.
  2. 贞 (zhēn) - 字面含义:坚定,有节操,忠诚。出处:《說文解字》。英语含义:Virtuous, loyal, faithful, chaste.
  3. 侦 (zhēn) - 字面含义:探查,暗中察看。出处:《集韻》。英语含义:To investigate, to detect, to scout, to spy.
  4. 桢 (zhēn) - 字面含义:支柱,栋梁。出处:《說文解字》。英语含义:Framework, mainstay, upright post, frame.
  5. 蓁 (zhēn) - 字面含义:草木茂盛貌,叢生的草木。出处:《詩·周南·汝墳》。英语含义:Luxuriant vegetation, dense undergrowth.
  6. 浈 (zhēn) - 字面含义:水名,在江西。出处:《水經注》。英语含义:Zhen River (in Jiangxi Province).
  7. 珍 (zhēn) - 字面含义:寶貴的物品,重視,愛惜。出处:《說文解字》。英语含义:Precious, valuable, treasure, to value, to cherish.
  8. 帧 (zhēn) - 字面含义:量词,用于书画,亦指书画。出处:《廣韻》。英语含义:Measure word (for paintings and calligraphy), painting, frame.
  9. 甄 (zhēn) - 字面含义:审查,鉴别,区别。出处:《說文解字》。英语含义:To examine, to identify, to differentiate, to select.
  10. 箴 (zhēn) - 字面含义:规劝,告诫,古代一种文体。出处:《說文解字》。英语含义:To advise, to warn, admonition, needle, probe.
  11. 斟 (zhēn) - 字面含义:酌酒,反复考虑。出处:《說文解字》。英语含义:To pour wine, to deliberate, to consider.
  12. 甄 (zhèn) - 字面含义:以土缻為樂器。出处:《集韻》。英语含义:Earthen pot used as a musical instrument. (多音字在此取 “zhèn” 音)
  13. 阵 (zhèn) - 字面含义:军队作战的队列, 一段时间。出处:《說文解字》。英语含义:Battle array, formation, a short period, spell.
  14. 镇 (zhèn) - 字面含义:压,使稳定, 镇压,城镇。出处:《說文解字》。英语含义:To press down, to stabilize, to suppress, town, garrison.
  15. 震 (zhèn) - 字面含义:搖動, 震動, 威勢盛大。出处:《說文解字》。英语含义:To shake, to tremble, shock, awe-inspiring.
  16. 圳 (zhèn) - 字面含义:田间水沟。出处:《字彙補》。英语含义:Irrigation ditch in fields, furrow.
  17. 眹 (zhèn) - 字面含义:目瞳子。出处:《集韻》。英语含义:Pupil of the eye.
  18. 鸩 (zhèn) - 字面含义:传说中的毒鸟,用鸩酒毒杀。出处:《說文解字》。英语含义:Mythical poisonous bird, to poison with鸩酒.
  19. 镇 (zhèn/zhèn) - 字面含义:同 “镇”,又读 “zhèn”。 (多音字在此取 “zhèn/zhèn” 音,与序号14同字)
  20. 赈 (zhèn) - 字面含义:救济,救济灾民。出处:《說文解字》。英语含义:To relieve, to aid (disaster victims).
  21. 䀼 (chèn/zhèn) - 字面含义:张目直视 (chèn),视貌 (zhèn)。 出处:《集韻》(chèn, zhèn)。英语含义:Staring intently (chèn), appearance of seeing (zhèn).
  22. 阵 (zhèn) - 字面含义:同 “阵”。 (多音字在此取 “zhèn” 音,与序号13同字)

第三部分:拼音 qia 和 zhen 的汉字组合

  1. 掐真 - 字面含义:掐和真。臆想含义:掐得真切。英语含义:Pinch true / Pinch really.
  2. 掐贞 - 字面含义:掐和贞。臆想含义:掐取贞操。英语含义:Pinch virtuous / Pinch chastity.
  3. 掐侦 - 字面含义:掐和侦。臆想含义:掐住侦查的线索。英语含义:Pinch detect / Pinch clue of detection.
  4. 掐桢 - 字面含义:掐和桢。臆想含义:掐住支柱。英语含义:Pinch frame / Pinch mainstay.
  5. 掐蓁 - 字面含义:掐和蓁。臆想含义:掐取茂盛的草木。英语含义:Pinch lush / Pinch luxuriant vegetation.
  6. 掐浈 - 字面含义:掐和浈(水名)。臆想含义:掐断浈水的水流。英语含义:Pinch Zhen river / Pinch Zhen river's water flow.
  7. 掐珍 - 字面含义:掐和珍。臆想含义:掐取珍宝。英语含义:Pinch treasure / Pinch precious item.
  8. 掐帧 - 字面含义:掐和帧(量词/书画)。臆想含义:掐取画幅。英语含义:Pinch frame (painting) / Pinch a painting frame.
  9. 掐甄 - 字面含义:掐和甄(审查)。臆想含义:掐断审查的流程。英语含义:Pinch甄 / Pinch examine process.
  10. 掐箴 - 字面含义:掐和箴(规劝)。臆想含义:掐断规劝的话语。英语含义:Pinch admonition / Pinch warning words.
  11. 掐斟 - 字面含义:掐和斟(酌酒)。臆想含义:掐断斟酒的动作。英语含义:Pinch斟 / Pinch pouring wine.
  12. 掐甄 - 字面含义:掐和甄(土缻)。臆想含义:掐碎陶罐。英语含义:Pinch earthenware musical instrument / Pinch earthen pot instrument.
  13. 掐阵 - 字面含义:掐和阵。臆想含义:掐断阵势。英语含义:Pinch formation / Pinch battle array.
  14. 掐镇 - 字面含义:掐和镇(镇压/城镇)。臆想含义:掐住镇压的力量,掐住城镇。英语含义:Pinch鎮 / Pinch suppression force, pinch town.
  15. 掐震 - 字面含义:掐和震(震动)。臆想含义:掐住震动,阻止震动。英语含义:Pinch震 / Pinch shaking, stop trembling.
  16. 掐圳 - 字面含义:掐和圳(水沟)。臆想含义:掐断田间水沟的水流。英语含义:Pinch ditch / Pinch irrigation ditch water flow.
  17. 掐眹 - 字面含义:掐和眹(瞳子)。臆想含义:掐眼睛的瞳孔。英语含义:Pinch pupil / Pinch eyeball pupil.
  18. 掐鸩 - 字面含义:掐和鸩(毒鸟/鸩酒)。臆想含义:掐住鸩鸟,掐断鸩酒的来源。英语含义:Pinch鸩 / Pinch mythical poisonous bird, pinch 鸩酒 source.
  19. 掐镇 - 字面含义:掐和镇(同镇)。 含义同序号14.
  20. 掐赈 - 字面含义:掐和赈(救济)。臆想含义:掐断救济的途径。英语含义:Pinch relief / Pinch aid path.
  21. 掐䀼 - 字面含义:掐和䀼(直视/视貌)。臆想含义:掐断注视,阻止观看。英语含义:Pinch stare / Pinch gaze, stop looking.
  22. 掐阵 - 字面含义:掐和阵(同阵)。含义同序号13.
  23. 葜真 - 字面含义:葜(植物)和真。臆想含义:葜是真实的。英语含义:Smilax true / Smilax china is real.
  24. 葜贞 - 字面含义:葜(植物)和贞。臆想含义:葜的贞洁。英语含义:Smilax virtuous / Smilax china's virtue.
  25. 葜侦 - 字面含义:葜(植物)和侦。臆想含义:侦查葜的秘密。英语含义:Smilax detect / Detect Smilax china's secret.
  26. 葜桢 - 字面含义:葜(植物)和桢。臆想含义:葜的支柱。英语含义:Smilax frame / Smilax china's mainstay.
  27. 葜蓁 - 字面含义:葜(植物)和蓁。臆想含义:葜和蓁都是茂盛的植物。英语含义:Smilax lush / Smilax china and luxuriant vegetation.
  28. 葜浈 - 字面含义:葜(植物)和浈(水名)。臆想含义:浈水边的葜。英语含义:Smilax Zhen river / Smilax china by Zhen river.
  29. 葜珍 - 字面含义:葜(植物)和珍。臆想含义:葜是很珍贵的植物。英语含义:Smilax treasure / Smilax china is precious.
  30. 葜帧 - 字面含义:葜(植物)和帧(量词/书画)。臆想含义:画中的葜。英语含义:Smilax frame (painting) / Smilax china in a painting.
  31. 葜甄 - 字面含义:葜(植物)和甄(审查)。臆想含义:甄别葜的品种。英语含义:Smilax甄 / Examine Smilax china species.
  32. 葜箴 - 字面含义:葜(植物)和箴(规劝)。臆想含义:用箴言形容葜的特性。英语含义:Smilax admonition / Use admonition to describe Smilax china's trait.
  33. 葜斟 - 字面含义:葜(植物)和斟(酌酒)。臆想含义:斟酒配葜。英语含义:Smilax斟 / Pour wine with Smilax china.
  34. 葜甄 - 字面含义:葜(植物)和甄(土缻)。臆想含义:用陶罐装葜。英语含义:Smilax earthenware musical instrument / Put Smilax china in earthen pot.
  35. 葜阵 - 字面含义:葜(植物)和阵。臆想含义:葜如阵势般生长。英语含义:Smilax formation / Smilax china grows like battle array.
  36. 葜镇 - 字面含义:葜(植物)和镇(镇压/城镇)。臆想含义:葜镇守一方土地,葜生长在城镇。英语含义:Smilax鎮 / Smilax china guards a land, Smilax china grows in town.
  37. 葜震 - 字面含义:葜(植物)和震(震动)。臆想含义:风吹葜叶震动。英语含义:Smilax震 / Smilax china leaves tremble in wind.
  38. 葜圳 - 字面含义:葜(植物)和圳(水沟)。臆想含义:水沟边的葜。英语含义:Smilax ditch / Smilax china by irrigation ditch.
  39. 葜眹 - 字面含义:葜(植物)和眹(瞳子)。臆想含义:葜叶像眼睛。英语含义:Smilax pupil / Smilax china leaf looks like pupil.
  40. 葜鸩 - 字面含义:葜(植物)和鸩(毒鸟/鸩酒)。臆想含义:葜有毒性像鸩酒。英语含义:Smilax鸩 / Smilax china poisonous like 鸩酒.
  41. 葜镇 - 字面含义:葜(植物)和镇(同镇)。 含义同序号36.
  42. 葜赈 - 字面含义:葜(植物)和赈(救济)。臆想含义:用葜救济灾荒。英语含义:Smilax relief / Use Smilax china for famine relief.
  43. 葜䀼 - 字面含义:葜(植物)和䀼(直视/视貌)。臆想含义:注视葜。英语含义:Smilax stare / Stare at Smilax china.
  44. 葜阵 - 字面含义:葜(植物)和阵(同阵)。含义同序号35.
  45. 袷真 - 字面含义:袷(衣襟)和真。臆想含义:袷衣是真品。英语含义:袷 true / 袷 garment is genuine.
  46. 袷贞 - 字面含义:袷(衣襟)和贞。臆想含义:袷衣的贞洁。英语含义:袷 virtuous / Virtue of 袷 garment.
  47. 袷侦 - 字面含义:袷(衣襟)和侦。臆想含义:侦查袷衣的秘密。英语含义:袷 detect / Detect secret of 袷 garment.
  48. 袷桢 - 字面含义:袷(衣襟)和桢。臆想含义:袷衣是衣物中的支柱。英语含义:袷 frame / 袷 garment is mainstay of clothing.
  49. 袷蓁 - 字面含义:袷(衣襟)和蓁。臆想含义:形容衣物华丽茂盛。英语含义:袷 lush / Garments lush and luxuriant.
  50. 袷浈 - 字面含义:袷(衣襟)和浈(水名)。臆想含义:浈水边制作的袷衣。英语含义:袷 Zhen river / 袷 garment made by Zhen river.
  51. 袷珍 - 字面含义:袷(衣襟)和珍。臆想含义:袷衣很珍贵。英语含义:袷 treasure / 袷 garment is precious.
  52. 袷帧 - 字面含义:袷(衣襟)和帧(量词/书画)。臆想含义:画中的袷衣。英语含义:袷 frame (painting) / 袷 garment in painting.
  53. 袷甄 - 字面含义:袷(衣襟)和甄(审查)。臆想含义:甄别袷衣的质量。英语含义:袷甄 / Examine quality of 袷 garment.
  54. 袷箴 - 字面含义:袷(衣襟)和箴(规劝)。臆想含义:用箴言告诫要爱护袷衣。英语含义:袷 admonition / Use admonition to cherish 袷 garment.
  55. 袷斟 - 字面含义:袷(衣襟)和斟(酌酒)。臆想含义:穿袷衣斟酒。英语含义:袷斟 / Pour wine wearing 袷 garment.
  56. 袷甄 - 字面含义:袷(衣襟)和甄(土缻)。臆想含义:用陶罐装袷衣?(不常见)。英语含义:袷 earthenware musical instrument / Put 袷 garment in earthen pot.
  57. 袷阵 - 字面含义:袷(衣襟)和阵。臆想含义:穿袷衣列阵?(古代军队着装?)。英语含义:袷 formation / Wear 袷 garment in battle array.
  58. 袷镇 - 字面含义:袷(衣襟)和镇(镇压/城镇)。臆想含义:袷衣镇守衣柜,城镇产的袷衣。英语含义:袷鎮 / 袷 garment guards wardrobe, 袷 garment from town.
  59. 袷震 - 字面含义:袷(衣襟)和震(震动)。臆想含义:穿袷衣行动时衣襟震动。英语含义:袷震 / 袷 garment襟 trembles in movement.
  60. 袷圳 - 字面含义:袷(衣襟)和圳(水沟)。臆想含义:水沟边晾晒袷衣?英语含义:袷 ditch / Dry 袷 garment by irrigation ditch.
  61. 袷眹 - 字面含义:袷(衣襟)和眹(瞳子)。臆想含义:袷衣上的纹饰像眼睛。英语含义:袷 pupil / 袷 garment pattern like pupil.
  62. 袷鸩 - 字面含义:袷(衣襟)和鸩(毒鸟/鸩酒)。臆想含义:形容袷衣颜色如鸩酒般幽深。英语含义:袷鸩 / 袷 garment color like 鸩酒.
  63. 袷镇 - 字面含义:袷(衣襟)和镇(同镇)。 含义同序号58.
  64. 袷赈 - 字面含义:袷(衣襟)和赈(救济)。臆想含义:用袷衣救济灾民 (旧时捐赠衣物救灾)。英语含义:袷 relief / Use 袷 garment to aid disaster victims.
  65. 袷䀼 - 字面含义:袷(衣襟)和䀼(直视/视貌)。臆想含义:仔细观看袷衣。英语含义:袷 stare / Stare intently at 袷 garment.
  66. 袷阵 - 字面含义:袷(衣襟)和阵(同阵)。含义同序号57.
  67. 伽真 - 字面含义:伽(寺庙/音译字)和真。臆想含义:寺庙是真的,伽真音译名字。英语含义:伽 true / Temple is real, Jia Zhen (transliteration name).
  68. 伽贞 - 字面含义:伽(寺庙/音译字)和贞。臆想含义:寺庙的贞洁,伽贞音译名字。英语含义:伽 virtuous / Virtue of temple, Jia Zhen (transliteration name).
  69. 伽侦 - 字面含义:伽(寺庙/音译字)和侦。臆想含义:侦查寺庙的秘密,伽侦音译名字。英语含义:伽 detect / Detect secret of temple, Jia Zhen (transliteration name).
  70. 伽桢 - 字面含义:伽(寺庙/音译字)和桢。臆想含义:寺庙的栋梁,伽桢音译名字。英语含义:伽 frame / Mainstay of temple, Jia Zhen (transliteration name).
  71. 伽蓁 - 字面含义:伽(寺庙/音译字)和蓁。臆想含义:寺庙周围草木茂盛,伽蓁音译名字。英语含义:伽 lush / Luxuriant vegetation around temple, Jia Zhen (transliteration name).
  72. 伽浈 - 字面含义:伽(寺庙/音译字)和浈(水名)。臆想含义:浈水边的寺庙,伽浈音译名字。英语含义:伽 Zhen river / Temple by Zhen river, Jia Zhen (transliteration name).
  73. 伽珍 - 字面含义:伽(寺庙/音译字)和珍。臆想含义:寺庙是珍贵的,伽珍音译名字。英语含义:伽 treasure / Temple is precious, Jia Zhen (transliteration name).
  74. 伽帧 - 字面含义:伽(寺庙/音译字)和帧(量词/书画)。臆想含义:寺庙的画作,伽帧音译名字。英语含义:伽 frame (painting) / Painting of temple, Jia Zhen (transliteration name).
  75. 伽甄 - 字面含义:伽(寺庙/音译字)和甄(审查)。臆想含义:甄别寺庙的真伪,伽甄音译名字。英语含义:伽甄 / Examine authenticity of temple, Jia Zhen (transliteration name).
  76. 伽箴 - 字面含义:伽(寺庙/音译字)和箴(规劝)。臆想含义:寺庙的箴言,伽箴音译名字。英语含义:伽 admonition / Admonition of temple, Jia Zhen (transliteration name).
  77. 伽斟 - 字面含义:伽(寺庙/音译字)和斟(酌酒)。臆想含义:寺庙中斟酒,伽斟音译名字。英语含义:伽斟 / Pour wine in temple, Jia Zhen (transliteration name).
  78. 伽甄 - 字面含义:伽(寺庙/音译字)和甄(土缻)。臆想含义:寺庙中的陶制乐器,伽甄音译名字。英语含义:伽 earthenware musical instrument / Earthen pot instrument in temple, Jia Zhen (transliteration name).
  79. 伽阵 - 字面含义:伽(寺庙/音译字)和阵。臆想含义:寺庙的阵势 (可能指寺庙的布局),伽阵音译名字。英语含义:伽 formation / Battle array (layout) of temple, Jia Zhen (transliteration name).
  80. 伽镇 - 字面含义:伽(寺庙/音译字)和镇(镇压/城镇)。臆想含义:寺庙镇守城镇,伽镇音译名字。英语含义:伽鎮 / Temple guards town, Jia Zhen (transliteration name).
  81. 伽震 - 字面含义:伽(寺庙/音译字)和震(震动)。臆想含义:寺庙受到震动,伽震音译名字。英语含义:伽震 / Temple trembles, Jia Zhen (transliteration name).
  82. 伽圳 - 字面含义:伽(寺庙/音译字)和圳(水沟)。臆想含义:寺庙旁边的水沟,伽圳音译名字。英语含义:伽 ditch / Irrigation ditch by temple, Jia Zhen (transliteration name).
  83. 伽眹 - 字面含义:伽(寺庙/音译字)和眹(瞳子)。臆想含义:寺庙里的佛像眼睛,伽眹音译名字。英语含义:伽 pupil / Eye of Buddha statue in temple, Jia Zhen (transliteration name).
  84. 伽鸩 - 字面含义:伽(寺庙/音译字)和鸩(毒鸟/鸩酒)。臆想含义:寺庙远离鸩毒,伽鸩音译名字。英语含义:伽鸩 / Temple far from poison, Jia Zhen (transliteration name).
  85. 伽镇 - 字面含义:伽(寺庙/音译字)和镇(同镇)。 含义同序号80, 伽镇音译名字。
  86. 伽赈 - 字面含义:伽(寺庙/音译字)和赈(救济)。臆想含义:寺庙赈济灾民,伽赈音译名字。英语含义:伽 relief / Temple aids disaster victims, Jia Zhen (transliteration name).
  87. 伽䀼 - 字面含义:伽(寺庙/音译字)和䀼(直视/视貌)。臆想含义:注视寺庙,伽䀼音译名字。英语含义:伽 stare / Stare at temple, Jia Zhen (transliteration name).
  88. 伽阵 - 字面含义:伽(寺庙/音译字)和阵(同阵)。含义同序号79, 伽阵音译名字。
  89. 拤真 - 字面含义:拤(握住)和真。臆想含义:握得真实,真实地抓住。英语含义:Grip true / Grip truly, really grasp.
  90. 拤贞 - 字面含义:拤(握住)和贞。臆想含义:坚定地握住,握住贞节。英语含义:Grip virtuous / Grip virtuously, grip chastity.
  91. 拤侦 - 字面含义:拤(握住)和侦。臆想含义:握紧侦查到的线索。英语含义:Grip detect / Grip detected clue.
  92. 拤桢 - 字面含义:拤(握住)和桢。臆想含义:握住栋梁,抓住框架。英语含义:Grip frame / Grip mainstay, grasp frame.
  93. 拤蓁 - 字面含义:拤(握住)和蓁。臆想含义:紧紧抓住茂盛的草木。英语含义:Grip lush / Firmly grasp luxuriant vegetation.
  94. 拤浈 - 字面含义:拤(握住)和浈(水名)。臆想含义:握住浈河水。英语含义:Grip Zhen river / Grip Zhen river water.
  95. 拤珍 - 字面含义:拤(握住)和珍。臆想含义:紧紧抓住珍宝。英语含义:Grip treasure / Grip precious item tightly.
  96. 拤帧 - 字面含义:拤(握住)和帧(量词/书画)。臆想含义:握住画幅,抓住画作。英语含义:Grip frame (painting) / Grip painting, grasp artwork.
  97. 拤甄 - 字面含义:拤(握住)和甄(审查)。臆想含义:握住甄别的权力,掌握甄选。英语含义:Grip甄 / Grip examine power, control selection.
  98. 拤箴 - 字面含义:拤(握住)和箴(规劝)。臆想含义:握住箴言,紧记劝告。英语含义:Grip admonition / Grip warning, firmly remember advice.
  99. 拤斟 - 字面含义:拤(握住)和斟(酌酒)。臆想含义:稳稳握住酒杯斟酒。英语含义:Grip斟 / Firmly hold wine cup while pouring.
  100. 拤甄 - 字面含义:拤(握住)和甄(土缻)。臆想含义:用力握住陶罐。英语含义:Grip earthenware musical instrument / Grip earthen pot tightly.
  101. 拤阵 - 字面含义:拤(握住)和阵。臆想含义:稳住阵脚,抓住阵型要点。英语含义:Grip formation / Stabilize formation, grasp key point of array.
  102. 拤镇 - 字面含义:拤(握住)和镇(镇压/城镇)。臆想含义:镇定地握住,握住城镇的控制权。英语含义:Grip鎮 / Grip calmly, grasp control of town.
  103. 拤震 - 字面含义:拤(握住)和震(震动)。臆想含义:稳住震动,控制震动。英语含义:Grip震 / Stabilize shaking, control tremble.
  104. 拤圳 - 字面含义:拤(握住)和圳(水沟)。臆想含义:疏通水沟时握紧工具。英语含义:Grip ditch / Grip tool tightly while dredging ditch.
  105. 拤眹 - 字面含义:拤(握住)和眹(瞳子)。臆想含义:抓住眼睛的瞳孔 (惊悚)。英语含义:Grip pupil / Grip eyeball pupil (horror).
  106. 拤鸩 - 字面含义:拤(握住)和鸩(毒鸟/鸩酒)。臆想含义:抓住鸩鸟,掌握鸩酒的来源。英语含义:Grip鸩 / Grip mythical poisonous bird, control source of 鸩酒.
  107. 拤镇 - 字面含义:拤(握住)和镇(同镇)。 含义同序号102.
  108. 拤赈 - 字面含义:拤(握住)和赈(救济)。臆想含义:掌握救济的物资,抓紧救济工作。英语含义:Grip relief / Grasp relief supplies, push on aid work.
  109. 拤䀼 - 字面含义:拤(握住)和䀼(直视/视貌)。臆想含义:紧紧盯着观看,抓住目光。英语含义:Grip stare / Stare intently while gripping, capture gaze.
  110. 拤阵 - 字面含义:拤(握住)和阵(同阵)。含义同序号101.
  111. 酠真 - 字面含义:酠(醇)和真。臆想含义:酠酒是真的醇。英语含义:酠 true / 酠 wine is truly pure.
  112. 酠贞 - 字面含义:酠(醇)和贞。臆想含义:醇厚的贞操。英语含义:酠 virtuous / Virtuous purity (mellow purity).
  113. 酠侦 - 字面含义:酠(醇)和侦。臆想含义:侦查醇酒的秘密。英语含义:酠 detect / Detect secret of pure wine.
  114. 酠桢 - 字面含义:酠(醇)和桢。臆想含义:醇酒如栋梁般重要。英语含义:酠 frame / Pure wine is mainstay (important).
  115. 酠蓁 - 字面含义:酠(醇)和蓁。臆想含义:醇酒像茂盛的草木一样丰富。英语含义:酠 lush / Pure wine as rich as lush vegetation.
  116. 酠浈 - 字面含义:酠(醇)和浈(水名)。臆想含义:浈水酿造的醇酒。英语含义:酠 Zhen river / Pure wine brewed with Zhen river water.
  117. 酠珍 - 字面含义:酠(醇)和珍。臆想含义:醇酒是珍品。英语含义:酠 treasure / Pure wine is treasure.
  118. 酠帧 - 字面含义:酠(醇)和帧(量词/书画)。臆想含义:画中描绘的醇酒。英语含义:酠 frame (painting) / Pure wine depicted in painting.
  119. 酠甄 - 字面含义:酠(醇)和甄(审查)。臆想含义:甄别醇酒的真伪。英语含义:酠甄 / Examine authenticity of pure wine.
  120. 酠箴 - 字面含义:酠(醇)和箴(规劝)。臆想含义:箴言告诫人勿贪杯醇酒。英语含义:酠 admonition / Admonition to avoid overdrinking pure wine.
  121. 酠斟 - 字面含义:酠(醇)和斟(酌酒)。臆想含义:斟上醇酒。英语含义:酠斟 / Pour pure wine.
  122. 酠甄 - 字面含义:酠(醇)和甄(土缻)。臆想含义:用陶罐盛醇酒。英语含义:酠 earthenware musical instrument / Serve pure wine in earthen pot.
  123. 酠阵 - 字面含义:酠(醇)和阵。臆想含义:酒香阵阵。英语含义:酠 formation / Aroma of wine formation.
  124. 酠镇 - 字面含义:酠(醇)和镇(镇压/城镇)。臆想含义:醇酒镇守一方 (指好酒),城镇出产的醇酒。英语含义:酠鎮 / Pure wine guards region (good wine), pure wine from town.
  125. 酠震 - 字面含义:酠(醇)和震(震动)。臆想含义:酒力震荡。英语含义:酠震 / Wine power shakes/trembles (strong wine effect).
  126. 酠圳 - 字面含义:酠(醇)和圳(水沟)。臆想含义:水沟边的酒坊?。英语含义:酠 ditch / Wine shop by irrigation ditch?
  127. 酠眹 - 字面含义:酠(醇)和眹(瞳子)。臆想含义:醉眼朦胧如眼珠。英语含义:酠 pupil / Drunken eyes blurred like pupils.
  128. 酠鸩 - 字面含义:酠(醇)和鸩(毒鸟/鸩酒)。臆想含义:醇酒胜鸩酒 (以醇酒对比毒酒)。英语含义:酠鸩 / Pure wine better than 鸩 wine.
  129. 酠镇 - 字面含义:酠(醇)和镇(同镇)。 含义同序号124.
  130. 酠赈 - 字面含义:酠(醇)和赈(救济)。臆想含义:用酒赈灾? (以酒济困)。英语含义:酠 relief / Use wine for disaster relief?
  131. 酠䀼 - 字面含义:酠(醇)和䀼(直视/视貌)。臆想含义:对着美酒凝视。英语含义:酠 stare / Stare intently at pure wine.
  132. 酠阵 - 字面含义:酠(醇)和阵(同阵)。含义同序号123.
  133. 卡真 - 字面含义:卡(卡住/卡片)和真。臆想含义:卡得很真实,卡片是真的。英语含义:Card true / Card stuck truly, card is genuine.
  134. 卡贞 - 字面含义:卡(卡住/卡片)和贞。臆想含义:卡片的贞洁?。英语含义:Card virtuous / Virtue of card (abstract).
  135. 卡侦 - 字面含义:卡(卡住/卡片)和侦。臆想含义:侦查卡片的秘密。英语含义:Card detect / Detect secret of card.
  136. 卡桢 - 字面含义:卡(卡住/卡片)和桢。臆想含义:卡片是框架?,卡住了框架。英语含义:Card frame / Card is frame?, Stuck in frame.
  137. 卡蓁 - 字面含义:卡(卡住/卡片)和蓁。臆想含义:卡在草丛中。英语含义:Card lush / Stuck in luxuriant vegetation.
  138. 卡浈 - 字面含义:卡(卡住/卡片)和浈(水名)。臆想含义:卡在浈河边。英语含义:Card Zhen river / Stuck by Zhen river.
  139. 卡珍 - 字面含义:卡(卡住/卡片)和珍。臆想含义:卡片很珍贵,卡住珍宝。英语含义:Card treasure / Card is precious, Stuck in treasure.
  140. 卡帧 - 字面含义:卡(卡住/卡片)和帧(量词/书画)。臆想含义:卡在画框里。英语含义:Card frame (painting) / Stuck in painting frame.
  141. 卡甄 - 字面含义:卡(卡住/卡片)和甄(审查)。臆想含义:甄别卡片的真伪。英语含义:Card甄 / Examine authenticity of card.
  142. 卡箴 - 字面含义:卡(卡住/卡片)和箴(规劝)。臆想含义:用箴言告诫使用卡片。英语含义:Card admonition / Use admonition to advise on card usage.
  143. 卡斟 - 字面含义:卡(卡住/卡片)和斟(酌酒)。臆想含义:卡片用来斟酒? (不常见用法)。英语含义:Card斟 / Use card to pour wine?
  144. 卡甄 - 字面含义:卡(卡住/卡片)和甄(土缻)。臆想含义:陶罐卡住了,卡在陶罐上。英语含义:Card earthenware musical instrument / Earthen pot is stuck, Stuck on earthen pot.
  145. 卡阵 - 字面含义:卡(卡住/卡片)和阵。臆想含义:卡在阵列中。英语含义:Card formation / Stuck in formation.
  146. 卡镇 - 字面含义:卡(卡住/卡片)和镇(镇压/城镇)。臆想含义:卡在城镇里,用卡片镇守?英语含义:Card鎮 / Stuck in town, Use card to guard?
  147. 卡震 - 字面含义:卡(卡住/卡片)和震(震动)。臆想含义:卡住了震动,震动被卡住。英语含义:Card震 / Stuck in shaking, Tremble is stuck.
  148. 卡圳 - 字面含义:卡(卡住/卡片)和圳(水沟)。臆想含义:卡在水沟里。英语含义:Card ditch / Stuck in irrigation ditch.
  149. 卡眹 - 字面含义:卡(卡住/卡片)和眹(瞳子)。臆想含义:卡在眼珠里?(不常见用法)。英语含义:Card pupil / Stuck in eyeball?
  150. 卡鸩 - 字面含义:卡(卡住/卡片)和鸩(毒鸟/鸩酒)。臆想含义:卡片如鸩酒般有毒?。英语含义:Card鸩 / Card is poisonous like 鸩 wine?.
  151. 卡镇 - 字面含义:卡(卡住/卡片)和镇(同镇)。 含义同序号146.
  152. 卡赈 - 字面含义:卡(卡住/卡片)和赈(救济)。臆想含义:用卡片进行赈灾登记?。英语含义:Card relief / Use card for disaster relief registration?
  153. 卡䀼 - 字面含义:卡(卡住/卡片)和䀼(直视/视貌)。臆想含义:卡片上的视线。英语含义:Card stare / Gaze from card.
  154. 卡阵 - 字面含义:卡(卡住/卡片)和阵(同阵)。含义同序号145.



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